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This is Dennis the Menace, from the beano brand. Dennis the Menace is the longest ever running strips by a comic book. The comic book was first published by D.C Thomson & Co. Ltd, Dundee, Scotland, in the United Kingdom. Dennis the Menace and Gnasher was first drawn by David Law. And then David Sutherland and finally David Parkins. The first appearance of the dual was in the 17th March 1951.
On the front cover has Dennis (with his trademark striped red and black jumper.) It also has Gnasher, Walter on the left getting irritated by Dennis, and finally dad who is constantly fed up with his son.
We can see Dennis annoying Walter, from Dennis action it look's as if he is a bully, even though he is represented as the good guy. Gnasher seems like his little henchmen who obeys only Dennis, who happens to be a Menance. Walter seems as the geek in this process. He is represented as the bad guy even though he is the victim of all this.
Superman was created June 30th 1938. Superman is a fictional superhero, it was created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian-born artist Joe Shuster. The first issue of superman was June 1944. The superman comic book has sold over 2 million copies world wide.
Superman wears his typical costume. Which consumes of a red spandex, blue overalls and ared cape. And his world wide lengendary "S" on this chest. This comic book also has three other people, some could be bystanders.